Carta ao director do jornal The Mirror a propósito do artigo publicado pelo Sr. Tony Parsons
OH, UP YOURS, SENOR Tony Parsons 29/10/2007
To the Director of The Mirror newspaper.
Dear Sir,
I visit the UK since the last 20 years in regular basis, mainly for business.
The UK is like a second home for me, where, I am proud to say that, I have great friends and enjoy always a great time.
English people in general are fantastic people and you have a very good country, one of the most developed places on earth.
When I have the opportunity to welcome English friends to my country, we always have a great time and they enjoy very much the fact to be among us and share with us our lives.
I feel very sad to read about Mr. Tony Parsons article in The Mirror about what happened with the little Maddie in Algarve to take the opportunity to blame Portugal, overall, as a country and people.
We are not that kind of people.
We are peaceful people and care very much about our friends and guests.
If by any chance you feel uncomfortable with us Portuguese people about this case and the way officials are carrying the overall process, this is not the way to protest against. Please take in consideration that both English and Portuguese polices and English and Portuguese governments, they agree the way things are done and the direction things they take.
Allow me to tell you that this is not yet time for blames. It is time to find Maddie and/or to find out what happened to the little girl.
Thank you and my best regards,
To the Director of The Mirror newspaper.
Dear Sir,
I visit the UK since the last 20 years in regular basis, mainly for business.
The UK is like a second home for me, where, I am proud to say that, I have great friends and enjoy always a great time.
English people in general are fantastic people and you have a very good country, one of the most developed places on earth.
When I have the opportunity to welcome English friends to my country, we always have a great time and they enjoy very much the fact to be among us and share with us our lives.
I feel very sad to read about Mr. Tony Parsons article in The Mirror about what happened with the little Maddie in Algarve to take the opportunity to blame Portugal, overall, as a country and people.
We are not that kind of people.
We are peaceful people and care very much about our friends and guests.
If by any chance you feel uncomfortable with us Portuguese people about this case and the way officials are carrying the overall process, this is not the way to protest against. Please take in consideration that both English and Portuguese polices and English and Portuguese governments, they agree the way things are done and the direction things they take.
Allow me to tell you that this is not yet time for blames. It is time to find Maddie and/or to find out what happened to the little girl.
Thank you and my best regards,
Se e cigano devolve a muida!
Se nao quer ser mal visto, entao devolve a muida!
Mais ainda, todos nos sabemos que foi crime praticado por um individuo cigano comforme o retrato passado pela Jane Tanner.
A attracao a muidas loiras faz parte da mitica cigana que tem alvejado criancas deste tipo atravez das geracoes. Nao vale a pena negar, e um facto.
Lamento muito, mas em vez de tentar esconder a verdade, pede aos responsaveis da comunidade cigana que utilizam os seus proprios meios para encontrar a pequena entre os seus para depois a devolver ao seus pais.
Caso contrario ariscam que as relacoes entre os dois paises pioram ainda mais para o desagrado daqueles que se consideram os verdadeiros amigos de Portugal.
Un abraco de um amigo ingles
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