Effortless Living Newsletter September 2006 By Ingrid Bacci, Ph.D.
To maximize nutritional healing, read this!
Are you eating in a way that maximizes your vitality, reduces the likelihood of disease, heals you from illness and chronic pain, and offers you an abundance of joyful energy? Nutrition is vital to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Too many of us are sorely lacking in adequate information about this key area of our health. The bulk of this newsletter offers you vital and reliable guidance on nutrition. Be sure to read the entire newsletter, and to print it out, to get all the information you need!
In addition, for greater in-depth understanding of how you can heal yourself nutritionally, don’t miss out on the opportunity of an intimate, experientially transformative workshop I am offering on October 14/15, in Glastonbury, Connecticut.. This workshop, entitled “From Pain to Personal Power,” teaches you the step-by-step process for reducing chronic pain and gaining greater empowerment in the area of your health. In addition to teaching you essential nutritional habits for self-healing, it gives you a full experiential understanding of how your emotional, mental, physical and biological stress can create or aggravate physical pain, and a precise, moment-by-moment process for reversing the pain dynamic and creating improved health. This exciting workshop is limited to twenty people, and has only a few spaces left! Those who sign up can also opt to have a private session with me and my gifted associate Tonya Meyer, a session that will focus you on the core issues you need to address. Go now to www.ingridbacci.com for further information and to sign up, or call 1-888-450-1241.
For those of you living out of the area, I will be offering another first-time ever weekend workshop on “Self-Empowerment for Health and Healing” on November 11-12, in Murray, Kentucky, and will be giving private sessions and evening seminars during the week before, both at dramatically reduced prices. Go to www.ingridbacci.com for details.
And now back to nutrition. Here are some key principles to follow:
1) Eat LOTS of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits contain vital anti-oxidants and minerals and are the most important component in your health. Why are these so important? First, they are the catalysts of all digestion, the spark plugs which have to fire for anything else to happen. Second, they are the source of the anti-oxidants which fight off disease. Third, they provide more easily assimilated energy, and produce less waste, than all other foods.
The vegetables and fruits you eat should be organic. Don’t fudge on this issue! Fruits and vegetables that are not organic not only contain toxic pesticides and other residues. They also have only ten percent of the nutritional value of organically raised foods. If you eat inorganic, you starve yourself!
You should also consider buying and using a juicer. Juicing enables your body to absorb a large quantity of vital cell nutrients very easily. Juicing was first promoted by Dr. N.W. Walker, who lived to be 118 years old! You can order his books by going to www.raw-food.com. If you haven’t yet bought a juicer, and are considering one, here are two options. For beginners, and if you are looking for something cheap, easy to clean, and relatively efficient, google on the internet for the Miracle Juicer, which you can buy for about $125. If you want the best juicer around, that gives you the quality of enzymes and nutrients from your carrots, beets, kale, etc., look up the Green Star Juicer, which you can get at the best price around, about $380, on www.discountjuicers.com.
2) Drink filtered water. Most bottled water is contaminated by bacteria (a result of the water sitting in bottles for prolonged periods of time) and carcinogens (leached from the plastic containers the water sits in). If you must drink bottled water, your best options are Fiji and Volvic. A far better choice, both for your health and for your pocket book (in the long run) is to install an under-the-counter carbon block filtration system in your kitchen. This provides you with fresh running water that is free contaminants, including the bacteria and carcinogens that plague bottled water. Your best source of under-the-counter filtration systems is a company called Multipure. Multipure has been in the business of creating pure water for forty years, and its filtration systems have been certified to provide the highest level of any water treatment devices on the market. An under-the-counter filtration system will cost you about $400, and will last you for years. Although the initial price may make you balk, by the time you have had your filtration system for six months, you should begin reaping the financial benefits of not having to buy bottled water..
Like many companies today, Multipure sells through distributors. I became one in order to get a top quality water filter and to make it easily accessible to others. If you want to order a filter, or want more information, email me at Ingrid@ingridbacci.com.
3) Avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates. The glycemic index is a measure of how fast blood sugar rises following the ingestion of a particular carbohydrate. Regular consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates promotes insulin resistance, which in turn promotes weight gain and is a precursor to heart disease and diabetes. Forty-five percent of the American population is overweight. In addition, the United States is experiencing a serious epidemic of diabetes, mostly as a result of the American high-glycemic diet. Please avoid high-glycemic foods. High glycemic foods include sweets and most refined starchy foods like bread and processed grains (cereals, cakes, etc.). To learn more about which foods are high glycemic, how to eat a low glycemic diet, and medical research on the importance of a low glycemic diet, go to Dr. Ray Strand’s website www.releasingfat.com, log in by using user name “ruthkohake” and password “rack3636”, go to the icon “Healthy for Life” and click on “Glycemic Index.”
4) Follow Food-Combining Rules. Proper food-combining is very important and involves changing deep-seated cultural food habits. There are two basic rules for proper food-combining. First, never eat fruit along with a complex carbohydrate (bread, cereal, muffins, cake, potatoes, etc.) or animal protein (meat, fish). Fruit is far more easily digested than complex carbohydrates and animal protein. If you eat it together with these, it putrefies in your digestive tract, fostering disease. Always eat fruit at least 20 minutes before complex carbohydrates and animal protein, or at least an hour after eating these. That means, you should not mix fruit with your morning cereal, drink fruit juice with your cereal or eggs, etc. If you do, you are only hurting yourself. Second, try to avoid combining animal protein (meat or fish) with complex carbohydrates (grains, bread, cereals, potatoes). The enzymes required for digesting animal protein and complex carbohydrates are incompatible. If you eat these food types together, the enzymes neutralize each other in your stomach, again resulting in putrefaction, the precursor to disease. This means that you should not eat toast or potatoes and eggs (complex carbohydrate and protein) together at breakfast; you should not eat pasta with chicken or salmon, steak with potatoes, turkey on a roll, or any other combination of animal protein and complex carbohydrate. Instead, eat your protein without complex carbohydrates at one meal, and your complex carbohydrates without protein at another meal. And eat all the vegetables you want, in either case.
5) Take high quality nutritional supplements. Because the foods most people eat are overly processed and depleted of essential vitamins and minerals, virtually everyone needs to supplement their diet with high quality nutritional supplements. The problem with nutritional supplements is that the companies that make these are completely unregulated. They can put whatever they want on their labels, with no guarantee that what is on the label is inside the bottle. At least one third of the supplements on the market are not bio-available. They simply pass right out of your body in your urine.
The only supplements you should take are supplements that are guaranteed bio-available and proven to be of the highest quality. There is only one company that meets those two standards and that is Usana. Usana has been independently certified as providing the best supplements among 500 of North America’s leading nutritional companies. Usana was also the very first of all nutritional supplement companies to adopt ‘pharmaceutical grade standards’, or to guarantee that what is on the label is in the bottle. If you are going to consider taking nutritional supplements in pill or capsule form (as opposed to live food supplements), Usana is the only company I will recommend. I will be glad to offer you more information on this company and on what might be right for you, if you email me at www.ingridbacci.com or call me at 1-888-450-1241. Since I am a distributor of Usana’s products, you can also go to www.ingridbacci.usana.com to research some of its products.
This is a lot of information for one newsletter, and a lot to digest. Please take this material seriously. I have a mission in life, and that mission is to empower others in their physical, mental and emotional health, to find the effortless core of their existence. Nutrition is a part of the process. Let’s create a physically healthy existence, so as to support us further in creating a spiritually vibrant one!
May the effortless wisdom of the ages be at your command.
Are you eating in a way that maximizes your vitality, reduces the likelihood of disease, heals you from illness and chronic pain, and offers you an abundance of joyful energy? Nutrition is vital to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Too many of us are sorely lacking in adequate information about this key area of our health. The bulk of this newsletter offers you vital and reliable guidance on nutrition. Be sure to read the entire newsletter, and to print it out, to get all the information you need!
In addition, for greater in-depth understanding of how you can heal yourself nutritionally, don’t miss out on the opportunity of an intimate, experientially transformative workshop I am offering on October 14/15, in Glastonbury, Connecticut.. This workshop, entitled “From Pain to Personal Power,” teaches you the step-by-step process for reducing chronic pain and gaining greater empowerment in the area of your health. In addition to teaching you essential nutritional habits for self-healing, it gives you a full experiential understanding of how your emotional, mental, physical and biological stress can create or aggravate physical pain, and a precise, moment-by-moment process for reversing the pain dynamic and creating improved health. This exciting workshop is limited to twenty people, and has only a few spaces left! Those who sign up can also opt to have a private session with me and my gifted associate Tonya Meyer, a session that will focus you on the core issues you need to address. Go now to www.ingridbacci.com for further information and to sign up, or call 1-888-450-1241.
For those of you living out of the area, I will be offering another first-time ever weekend workshop on “Self-Empowerment for Health and Healing” on November 11-12, in Murray, Kentucky, and will be giving private sessions and evening seminars during the week before, both at dramatically reduced prices. Go to www.ingridbacci.com for details.
And now back to nutrition. Here are some key principles to follow:
1) Eat LOTS of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits contain vital anti-oxidants and minerals and are the most important component in your health. Why are these so important? First, they are the catalysts of all digestion, the spark plugs which have to fire for anything else to happen. Second, they are the source of the anti-oxidants which fight off disease. Third, they provide more easily assimilated energy, and produce less waste, than all other foods.
The vegetables and fruits you eat should be organic. Don’t fudge on this issue! Fruits and vegetables that are not organic not only contain toxic pesticides and other residues. They also have only ten percent of the nutritional value of organically raised foods. If you eat inorganic, you starve yourself!
You should also consider buying and using a juicer. Juicing enables your body to absorb a large quantity of vital cell nutrients very easily. Juicing was first promoted by Dr. N.W. Walker, who lived to be 118 years old! You can order his books by going to www.raw-food.com. If you haven’t yet bought a juicer, and are considering one, here are two options. For beginners, and if you are looking for something cheap, easy to clean, and relatively efficient, google on the internet for the Miracle Juicer, which you can buy for about $125. If you want the best juicer around, that gives you the quality of enzymes and nutrients from your carrots, beets, kale, etc., look up the Green Star Juicer, which you can get at the best price around, about $380, on www.discountjuicers.com.
2) Drink filtered water. Most bottled water is contaminated by bacteria (a result of the water sitting in bottles for prolonged periods of time) and carcinogens (leached from the plastic containers the water sits in). If you must drink bottled water, your best options are Fiji and Volvic. A far better choice, both for your health and for your pocket book (in the long run) is to install an under-the-counter carbon block filtration system in your kitchen. This provides you with fresh running water that is free contaminants, including the bacteria and carcinogens that plague bottled water. Your best source of under-the-counter filtration systems is a company called Multipure. Multipure has been in the business of creating pure water for forty years, and its filtration systems have been certified to provide the highest level of any water treatment devices on the market. An under-the-counter filtration system will cost you about $400, and will last you for years. Although the initial price may make you balk, by the time you have had your filtration system for six months, you should begin reaping the financial benefits of not having to buy bottled water..
Like many companies today, Multipure sells through distributors. I became one in order to get a top quality water filter and to make it easily accessible to others. If you want to order a filter, or want more information, email me at Ingrid@ingridbacci.com.
3) Avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates. The glycemic index is a measure of how fast blood sugar rises following the ingestion of a particular carbohydrate. Regular consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates promotes insulin resistance, which in turn promotes weight gain and is a precursor to heart disease and diabetes. Forty-five percent of the American population is overweight. In addition, the United States is experiencing a serious epidemic of diabetes, mostly as a result of the American high-glycemic diet. Please avoid high-glycemic foods. High glycemic foods include sweets and most refined starchy foods like bread and processed grains (cereals, cakes, etc.). To learn more about which foods are high glycemic, how to eat a low glycemic diet, and medical research on the importance of a low glycemic diet, go to Dr. Ray Strand’s website www.releasingfat.com, log in by using user name “ruthkohake” and password “rack3636”, go to the icon “Healthy for Life” and click on “Glycemic Index.”
4) Follow Food-Combining Rules. Proper food-combining is very important and involves changing deep-seated cultural food habits. There are two basic rules for proper food-combining. First, never eat fruit along with a complex carbohydrate (bread, cereal, muffins, cake, potatoes, etc.) or animal protein (meat, fish). Fruit is far more easily digested than complex carbohydrates and animal protein. If you eat it together with these, it putrefies in your digestive tract, fostering disease. Always eat fruit at least 20 minutes before complex carbohydrates and animal protein, or at least an hour after eating these. That means, you should not mix fruit with your morning cereal, drink fruit juice with your cereal or eggs, etc. If you do, you are only hurting yourself. Second, try to avoid combining animal protein (meat or fish) with complex carbohydrates (grains, bread, cereals, potatoes). The enzymes required for digesting animal protein and complex carbohydrates are incompatible. If you eat these food types together, the enzymes neutralize each other in your stomach, again resulting in putrefaction, the precursor to disease. This means that you should not eat toast or potatoes and eggs (complex carbohydrate and protein) together at breakfast; you should not eat pasta with chicken or salmon, steak with potatoes, turkey on a roll, or any other combination of animal protein and complex carbohydrate. Instead, eat your protein without complex carbohydrates at one meal, and your complex carbohydrates without protein at another meal. And eat all the vegetables you want, in either case.
5) Take high quality nutritional supplements. Because the foods most people eat are overly processed and depleted of essential vitamins and minerals, virtually everyone needs to supplement their diet with high quality nutritional supplements. The problem with nutritional supplements is that the companies that make these are completely unregulated. They can put whatever they want on their labels, with no guarantee that what is on the label is inside the bottle. At least one third of the supplements on the market are not bio-available. They simply pass right out of your body in your urine.
The only supplements you should take are supplements that are guaranteed bio-available and proven to be of the highest quality. There is only one company that meets those two standards and that is Usana. Usana has been independently certified as providing the best supplements among 500 of North America’s leading nutritional companies. Usana was also the very first of all nutritional supplement companies to adopt ‘pharmaceutical grade standards’, or to guarantee that what is on the label is in the bottle. If you are going to consider taking nutritional supplements in pill or capsule form (as opposed to live food supplements), Usana is the only company I will recommend. I will be glad to offer you more information on this company and on what might be right for you, if you email me at www.ingridbacci.com or call me at 1-888-450-1241. Since I am a distributor of Usana’s products, you can also go to www.ingridbacci.usana.com to research some of its products.
This is a lot of information for one newsletter, and a lot to digest. Please take this material seriously. I have a mission in life, and that mission is to empower others in their physical, mental and emotional health, to find the effortless core of their existence. Nutrition is a part of the process. Let’s create a physically healthy existence, so as to support us further in creating a spiritually vibrant one!
May the effortless wisdom of the ages be at your command.
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